When is the library open?
Please click here to be directed to their website.
Please click here to be directed to their website.
The Chief Building Official is scheduled to service our area on Thursdays from 1-2:30pm. It is requested that you schedule an appointment with Gerry directly as most questions may be facilitated over the phone or by email. Mr. Strong can be contacted at 705-626-7143 or emailed at building@assiginack.ca on weekdays during regular business hours. Please also find the building application here and all permit fees will be advised to you by your Chief Building Official.
Residential | 0.01514052 | 0.00153000 | 0.01667052 |
Multi-Residential | 0.01514052 | 0.00153000 | 0.01667052 |
Commercial Occupied | 0.01438349 | 0.00842583 | 0.02280932 |
Commercial Vacant | 0.01006845 | 0.00842583 | 0.01849428 |
Industrial Occupied | 0.01165820 | 0.00676308 | 0.01842128 |
Industrial Vacant | 0.00757783 | 0.00676308 | 0.01434091 |
Pipelines | 0.01698009 | 0 | 0.01698009 |
Farm | 0.00378513 | 0.00038250 | 0.00416763 |
Managed Forest | 0.00378513 | 0.00038250 | 0.00416763 |
If you purchased property in the Township of Assiginack, you must ensure that your property and contact information is up-to-date with the municipality.
Your lawyer can notify the Township by either sending an email to fbond@assiginack.ca or by way of a letter indicating the new owner’s information.
Only the property owner can discuss their tax or utility account, a third party is not authorized without written consent from the owner.
To understand how property assessment and taxation works, please watch this video.
We now have Ratepayer ID Cards available to ensure a our Marina and Landfill attendants are able to verify your residency and confirm your level of access. Please contact the Municipal Office to make an appointment to get yours 705-859-3196.
Two tax bills are sent out each year. The interim tax bill has two installment due dates in March and June of each year. The Final Tax bill has two installment due dates in August and October of each year. For more information, go here.
Tuesday’s and Saturday’s from 10 am to 8 pm.
Check with the Municipal Office for Holiday Hours (705) 859-3196.
We now have Ratepayer ID Cards available to ensure a our Marina and Landfill attendants are able to verify your residency and confirm your level of access. Please contact the Municipal Office to make an appointment to get yours 705-859-3196.