September 3, 2024 - Committee of the Whole Meeting of Council


Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.


    a.) Funding Proposal- New Horizons for Seniors Program
    b.) Funding Proposal- Fire Protection Grant
    c.) Banner Brackets Discussion
    a.) High Falls Road Discussion





Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Mayor Brenda Reid, Councillors Dwayne Elliott, Jennifer Hooper, and Robert Maguire.

STAFF: Alton Hobbs – CAO, Heidi Ferguson- Clerk, Freda Bond- Tax & Utility Manager, Crystal Lentir- Administrative Assistant and Jackie White- PEC.

PUBLIC: Anna Peca.

Moved by Councillor Bowerman:

THAT the meeting be opened with Mayor Reid presiding in the Chair.


The Mayor reminded everyone that the Agricultural Fall Fair is taking place this weekend, starting on Friday. If anyone is interested, they are still looking for volunteers. The Mayor wished everyone to have a good time and enjoy themselves.

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest: None declared.

Moved by Councillor Bowerman:

THAT we amend the agenda to include:

1d.) Municipal Record Storage

1e.) Circular Materials Recycling Contract


1a.) Funding Proposal- New Horizons for Seniors Program

Staff explained that we have received two requests for funding for New Horizons for Seniors and staff are recommending that the EDO, Arena Manager and Librarian sit down together to create one application for funding. Staff also suggested that we should have a designated person to shepherd all applications. Discussion took place and the Committee passed the following resolutions:

Moved by: Councillor Maguire

THAT we approve submitting a funding application to the New Horizons for Seniors Program.


Moved by: Councillor Bowerman

THAT all funding applications are streamlined through the EDO and that proposals for funding requests be brought to Council for review and approval at least two weeks prior to the application deadline, when possible.


 1b.) Funding Proposal- Fire Protection Grant

The Fire Chief shared that the Ontario Government has come forward with funding to help with cancer prevention for fire fighters. The Fire Chief explained that one of the issues is that we have trouble keeping our gear cleaned and we currently send it away once a year to have it cleaned. This program would allow us to clean the gear more frequently and after fires, which will promote our fire fighter’s health, extend the life expectancy of the equipment and allow us to be more compliant with health and safety. The funding provides a maximum of up to $10,000 in funding and the application is due in two days.

Moved by Councillor Bowerman:

THAT we approve the Funding Proposal for the Fire Protection Grant and advise staff to submit the application for funding.

1c.) Banner Brackets Discussion

Staff shared with the Members of the Committee that we do not have a timely option to have the banners mounted on poles, and that to do anymore we will be required to enter into an agreement with Hydro One. Staff shared that they have explored options with Flags Unlimited and we could purchase wall mounts to hang the banners on and these could be mounted to the exterior of buildings such as the municipal office, library, and/or the exterior of arena. The banners would stay up the same duration as the remainer of the banners. The wall mounts will cost $250 per set and staff received a price based on 10 sets with an approximate cost of $2,800.

Discussion took place regarding how Members of the Committee would like to proceed. It was suggested that in order to accommodate the 10-11 people currently on the wait list, we could use the four remaining banner arms and work with those local businesses that had previously volunteered to hang banners in their storefronts and then we can revisit this next year at budget time. Discussion took place regarding rotating the banners from year to year and the committee asked staff to develop a procedure or system for how we can use a rotating system, because at some point in time we are going to run out of room.

It was asked by the committee for staff to continue to work with Hydro One and we will go with what we have for now regarding the Christmas banners.

1d.) Municipal Records Discussion
Staff contacted the new owner of 115 Arthur Street, and the owner is willing to rent us the existing storage space at $350 per month for as long as we need it, however staff cannot guarantee this price forever. Staff are proposing a one-year term to store our records and dedicate time in the Spring for staff to go through the records and decide what is to be kept and what is not and then bring in a company to shred in the Spring.

Members of the Committee discussed staff’s recommendation, and they would like to see staff start now going through the records. Members of the Committee also discussed how we can start digitizing our records going forward and asked staff to bring back a costing for this.

The committee instructed staff to enter into a contract for one year to store our records and asked staff to start working on this now. The committee would like a provision within the contract to ensure the security of the municipal records.

1e.) Circular Materials Recycling Contract
Staff advised that we have a draft agreement from Circular Materials Ontario for the assumption of costs by Circular Materials Ontario for the shipping of our recycling materials to a depot of their choosing using the single stream recycling method until April of next year. This contract would be renewed annually.

Starting next April, we anticipate seeing between $20,000 to 22,000 of revenue for them shipping these materials. We should receive another contract before next April where they will pay for the provision of placement of recycling bins at our depot, since it is the producers of the recycling materials are supposed to be paying for the recycling of these materials.

Discussion took place and Members of the Committee passed the following resolution:

Moved by Councillor Maguire:

THAT we enter into a contract with Circular Materials Ontario for our new recycling contract.


2.a.) High Falls Road Discussion

Staff shared that there are two issues we are looking for Mayor and Council’s input on. One of the unintended consequences of having High Falls Bridge and High Falls Road is that people do not always see the park before the road which is leading to increased traffic and foot traffic. We have received complaints from both seasonal and permanent residents regarding the increase in traffic, especially on the private roads and those private roads that are named trails, as there is some confusion by visitors. Staff are bringing forward a request to consider a name changing the name of the road to help with this.

The second issue is that a property owner on High Falls Road would like another severance of their property, which would be the third and final severance they could have. The previous council would not grant this request due to the road not being up to standard. While it is still not up to standard, it has been pointed out that it is a year-round maintained road that Council agreed to take responsibility for.

Discussion took place and Members of the Committee wanted more time to consider renaming the road. Members of the Committee discussed the potential severance of a third and final lot and the committee agreed that they did not want to slow down development. Staff advised that we would communicate this to the property owner.

Members of the Committee asked staff to look into the brush pile and if it is on our property or the neighbor’s property.

Moved by Councillor Maguire:

THAT we adjourn at 7:50 p.m. until the next regular meeting or Call of the Chair.


 _____________                      ______________________

Chair: Brenda Reid                            Recording Officer: Heidi Ferguson

*These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.
