To Be Held in the Council Chambers
Wednesday, March 9, 2016 at 9:30 a.m.
Council’s Special Meeting Agenda
For Consideration:
a) Adoption of Agenda
b) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof
a) CAO
b) Treasurer
c) Department Head Budget Submissions
d) Council Member Projects
e) Set Date/Time for next Budget Meeting
Held Wednesday March 9, 2016 at 9:30 a.m.
Municipal Office Council Chambers
Mayor: Paul Moffatt, Members Brenda Reid, Leslie Fields, Hugh Moggy, Robert Case
C.A.O: Alton Hobbs
Clerk: Jeremy Rody
Treasurer: Deb MacDonald
#62-05-16 B. Reid – L. Fields
THAT this special meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 9:30 a.m., with Mayor Moffatt presiding in the Chair. CARRIED
#63-05-16 L. Fields – B. Reid
THAT the agenda for this meeting be accepted as presented. CARRIED
No Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
The CAO opened the discussion by explaining that staff was looking for direction from Council to set the framework for this year’s budget. Specifically, what kind of tax rate increase or decrease and what projects Council are considering this year.
The Treasurer explained to Council that this year’s assessment increase is 6.9%. With no change to the tax rate, the net levy would be $2,435,896.19. The preliminary operating budget has been estimated at $2,225,227.92, which leaves Council with $180,668.27 remaining for the capital budget, after $200,000.00 is included in the Capital budget for Landfill expansion composting, drainage and well installation projects which are required under the new Certificate of Approval. The Treasurer then confirmed that each additional 1% tax levy increase would generate a further $ 25,000.00.
The CAO explained that with the limited capital budget this year, it would be hard to do a major capital project, within current means. However, it would be a good year to do some engineering studies on projects that have priority over the next 3-4 years to be ready when infrastructure funding becomes available. Staff is making contacts with engineers to determine a study cost on our Water Treatment Plants and the possibility of retrofitting to a ‘less expensive to operate’ technology. It would be prudent to do this study now, knowing that there is approximately 10 years of useful life left in the plants. The Township expressed to OCWA at the quarterly meeting in January that 400 users cannot sustain the capital investments required with our current water treatment plant technology.
Discussion moved towards identifying 4-5 projects to be completed over the next 3-4 years.
Councillor Reid identified Mitchell’s Hill as a project that has been continually brought up in budget discussions, but because of the severity of the hill and the rock, an engineering study would be needed. Councillor Fields brought up the need for a new snow plow truck, renovations to the roof at the fire hall, and Mitchell’s Hill as projects that have been identified in past years. Discussion shifted to the Fire Hall.
Mayor Moffatt reminded Council that a new septic system has recently been installed at the Public Works/Fire Hall building and that there must be a way to get more useful life out of the building. Councillor Moggy asked about the source of the mold, which is likely rain getting into the walls because the roof does not overhang the side of the building. Mayor Moffatt asked Council what they thought about removing the training room from the Fire Hall, fixing the roof, and moving the Fire Department training room to the arena. The purpose of this move would be to more effectively use the multi-purpose public buildings that the Township already owns and operates. Council generally agreed that would be a good alternative worth investigating.
Councillor Reid stated that Queen and Arthur Streets are in need of repair, they are the first streets people drive on in our community and need to be addressed. The issue with that project would be the infrastructure under the roads would have to be examined before the roads are done to avoid having to rip out a new piece of road to fix an old water or sewer line. A 5 year plan should be implemented with an engineering firm.
The CAO asked the Treasurer about reserves for the Arena, there is a new reserve set up for the ice plant. Councillors said a zamboni would likely have to be replaced around the same time. These items should be considered over the next 3-4 years.
In regards to a tax rate increase, Council felt that an increase equal to the cost of living increase would be appropriate. A 2% increase limit was suggested to staff.
Councillor Fields asked if money needed to be set aside for the removal of the Norisle, the CAO replied that legal and professional fees should be expected.
Councillor Moggy identified the siding on the Roller Mills building and work to the waterfront as projects that need to be completed. He also asked about Michael’s Bay Road passed the School, this will be addressed by the Public Works Superintendent at a future budget meeting. Councillor Moggy asked about Burns Wharf, the architect will not be starting the work until March 29th at the earliest.
The CAO asked Council if they wanted to consider the Rogers Creek Bridge. Council replied that it is not high enough on the priority list but if Tehkummah Council made it a priority that Assiginack would pay their share.
The next budget meeting is scheduled to take place at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 30, 2016. It was also decided that the budget, once finalized would be presented to the public at a Council meeting
#64-05-16 L. Fields – R. Case
THAT we adjourn until the next regular meeting or Call of the Chair. CARRIED
___________________________ __________________________
Mayor Clerk
10:35 a.m.
These Minutes are not considered official until adopted by Council.