June 7, 2016 - Council Meeting



To Be Held in the Council Chambers
Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Council’s Regular Meeting Agenda

For consideration:

a) Adoption of Agenda
b) Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof




a) Regular Council Meeting of May 17, 2016 (p.3)
b) Assiginack Public Library Board Meeting of March 21, 2016 (p.8)
c) Hilly Grove Cemetery Board Meeting of May 13, 2016 (p.10)
d) Sudbury & District Board of Health Meeting of April 20, 2016 (p.12)
e) Sudbury & District Board of Health Meeting of May 19, 2016 (p.25)


a) Gary MacKay Tulloch Eng: Birch Street Options




a) Accounts for Payment: General: $241,552.58 Payroll: $59,563.29 (p.32)
b) Mobile Food Service Inquiry (p.40)
c) Landfill Operations Review
d) Museum Advisory Committee Application (p.42)
e) Regulate Gas Prices in Ontario (p.43)
f) Water, Wastewater Financial Sustainability (p.45)


a) Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Northern Ontario (p.46)
b) Township of North Wellington (p.48)
c) Fort McMurray Resolutions of Support (p.49)
d) Manitoulin Planning Board: Notice of Public Meeting (p.52)
e) Ontario Good Roads Association (p.53)
f) Rural Ontario Municipal Association (p.54)
g) Town of Latchford (p.57)
h) Blue Sky Economic Growth Corporation (p.58)


a) By-law #16-07: Amend Municipal Alcohol Policy (p.60)


a) The security of the property of the municipality or local board (Municipal Act, 2001, c.25 s.239(2)(a))








The Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, June 7th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.


Present: Mayor Paul Moffatt, Councillor Robert Case, Councillor Les Fields, Councillor Hugh Moggy, Councillor Brenda Reid

Staff: Alton Hobbs, CAO, Jeremy Rody, Clerk, Ron Cooper, PW Superintendent

Press: Alicia McCutcheon, Expositor

Others: Gary MacKay, P.Eng, Tulloch



#166-13-16      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 7:00 p.m., with Mayor Moffatt presiding in the Chair. CARRIED



#167-13-16      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT the agenda for this meeting be accepted as presented. CARRIED



Councillor Reid disclosed a direct pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 6A Payroll as her husband is an employee of the Township and Item 6B Mobile Food Service Inquiry as the applicant is a family member.  She did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matters.



Councillor Fields complimented staff on putting together a new and exciting summer program that covers a variety of age groups, events and activities.

Councillor Moggy reported damage to signs at McLean’s Park.  He asked the contractor removing trees on Township property if they could give the Museum a quote on tree trimming.  The CAO informed Council that the Curator received the quote and will coordinate with the contractor to schedule the work.



#168-13-16      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the minutes of the Regular Council meeting of May 17th, 2016, be accepted. CARRIED


#169-13-16      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT the minutes of the Assiginack Public Library Board meeting of March 21, 2016, be accepted. CARRIED


#170-13-16      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the Minutes of the Hilly Grove Cemetery Board meeting of May 13th, 2016, be accepted. CARRIED


#171-13-16      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT the Minutes of the Sudbury and District Board of Health meeting of April 20th, 2016, be received. CARRIED


#172-13-16      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT the Minutes of the Sudbury and District Board of Health meeting of May 19th, 2016, be received. CARRIED



#173-13-16      B. Reid – L. Fields

THAT WHEREAS Gary MacKay, P. Eng of Tulloch Engineering and Drainage Superintendent for the Township recommends that the culverts on Birch Street be replaced this year;

AND WHEREAS the options available to the Township are a culvert replacement estimated between $125-150,000 or a new bridge estimated at $190-225,000;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council approves a culvert replacement tender for Birch Street, and instructs the engineer to prepare the necessary document to include the following provisions: (1) culvert shall be polymer coated corrugated steel; (2) the contractor must keep one lane open to light traffic; and (3) install a guard rail system to delineate edges. CARRIED


#174-13-16      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT we thank Gary McKay of Tulloch Engineering for attending this meeting and discussing the available options for the Birch Street culvert. CARRIED



#175-13-16      R. Case – B. Reid

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

General:            $241,552.58

AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheques #25553 through #25580, #25582, and #25592 through #25622 as described in the attached cheque register reports. CARRIED


#176-13-16      B. Reid – R. Case

THAT Council authorizes the following Accounts for Payment:

Payroll: $59,563.29

AND THAT the Mayor and administration be authorized to complete cheques #25549 through #25552, #25581, and #25583 through #25591 as described in the attached cheque register reports. CARRIED


#177-13-16      H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT WHEREAS the Council or the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack does not have a formal by-law to regulate mobile food services;

AND WHEREAS Council has allowed mobile food service businesses to operate on commercial properties in the past;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council has no objection to the operation of a Belgian Waffle mobile food service by Tammy Reynolds on her residential property located at 96 Queen Street in Manitowaning subject to her receiving all of the necessary Health Unit requirements and certifications. CARRIED


#178-13-16      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT WHEREAS the collective waste diversion statistics of the Township are well below the provincial average and waste disposal statistics are much higher than the provincial average;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council authorizes staff to draft a tipping fee’s schedule for waste, designed to encourage full use of all waste diversion options currently available and a proposal for implementation. CARRIED


#179-13-16      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT Council appoints John Pennie to the Assiginack Museum Advisory Committee. CARRIED


#180-13-16      H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT Assiginack Council supports the following Resolution from the City of Timmins regarding the regulation of fuel prices in Ontario:

WHEREAS the price of fuel is critical to the day to day cost of living for all residents of Ontario;

AND WHEREAS the price of fuel plays a large role in establishing a competitive business climate;

AND WHEREAS some regions in Ontario have consistently experienced higher fuel costs that go beyond the cost difference of transporting fuel;

AND WHEREAS the fuel sales industry is quick to raise prices as the price of oil increases but fuel prices do not adjust as quickly when the price of oil decreases;

AND WHEREAS history has shown that fuel prices increase for long weekends and holidays;

AND WHEREAS the Province of Ontario has the ability to regulate fuel prices;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council for the City of Timmins hereby petitions the Government of Ontario to regulate fuel prices to the levels that are affordable and profitable as in jurisdictions within Ontario that have lower fuel prices;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution and the background information are forwarded for support to all Municipalities in Ontario;

AND FURTHER THAT all resolutions of support are returned to the City of Timmins for submission to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Finance, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Timmins-James Bay MPP Gilles Bisson and the Ontario Good Roads Association. CARRIED


#181-13-16      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT WHEREAS Ontario Regulation 453/07 requires the owner of a drinking water system to complete a Financial Plan for the system;

AND WHEREAS the plan must be approved by resolution indicating that the water system is financially viable;

AND WHEREAS this report is to be given to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing;

AND WHEREAS we received our most recent report on March 15, 2016 and it indicates that our system is not financially sustainable;

NOW THEREFORE THAT we petition the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change for direction as we cannot satisfy the regulation requirement regarding financial sustainability. CARRIED



#182-13-16      H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT we acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence items:

  1. a) Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program Northern Ontario
  2. b) Township of North Wellington
  3. c) Fort McMurray Resolutions of Support
  4. d) Manitoulin Planning Board: Notice of Public Meeting
  5. e) Ontario Good Roads Association
  6. f) Rural Ontario Municipal Association
  7. g) Town of Latchford
  8. h) Blue Sky Economic Growth Corporation. CARRIED


#183-13-16      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT By-law #16-07, being a by-law to amend By-law #14-02 being a by-law to establish a Municipal Alcohol Policy, be given its first, second, and third readings and enacted in open Council.  CARRIED



#184-13-16      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT in accordance with By-law #15-30 and Section 239 of the Municipal Act, as amended, Council proceeds to a “Closed Session” at 7:43 p.m. in order to attend to a matter pertaining to:

  1. 239(2)(a) – The security of the property of the Municipality or Local Board. CARRIED

#185-13-16      H. Moggy – L. Fields

THAT we adjourn from our Closed Session at 7:58 p.m., approve the minutes of the Closed Session of May 17th, 2016 and resume our regular meeting. CARRIED



#186-12-16      L. Fields – H. Moggy

THAT we adjourn until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair. CARRIED


_______________________________          _____________________________

Paul Moffatt, MAYOR                                  Jeremy Rody, CLERK


8:05 p.m.

These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.
