Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 2024-10


The Corporation of the Township of Assiginack prepared a new Zoning By-law in accordance with Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990.

The Zoning By-law is a tool used to regulate the use of land, buildings, and structures; and the placement of buildings and structures within the Municipality.

Council authorized the passing of By-law # 2024-10 being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law on July 16, 2024 under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P.13 as amended.

The Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 2024-10 applies to all lands within the Township of Assiginack, as a result, no key map has been provided. The Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 2024-10 repeals By-law # 80-20 and all amendments thereto and By-law # 80-21 and all amendments thereto of the Township of Assiginack.

A Public Open House was previously held on March 27, 2024 to review the first draft of the new Zoning By-law. A Public Meeting was held on June 25, 2024. Revisions were incorporated into the Comprehensive Zoning By-law based on the comments provided throughout the process by the Public, Staff, District of Manitoulin Planning Board and Council. Council in making its decision on this matter took into consideration all written and oral comments received on the Comprehensive Zoning By-law.

Purpose and Effect:

The purpose and effect of Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 2024-10 is to regulate the use of land and the use and location of buildings and structures on lots within the Municipality.


Only a specified person, a public body or the registered owner of any land to which the by-law would apply that, before the by-law was passed, made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal in respect of By-law # 2024-10 by filing with the Clerk of the Township of Assiginack a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the by-law and the reasons in support of the objection, accompanied by the fee charged by the Tribunal no later than August 6, 2024.  

No person or public body shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.

Additional Information:

Additional information relating to Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 2024-10 is available for inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, at the Municipal Office located at 156 Arthur Street, Manitowaning, ON. The proposed Zoning By-law is also available for inspection on the Municipality’s website by clicking HERE.

Mrs. Heidi Ferguson, Municipal Clerk

156 Arthur Street, Manitowaning, ON

705-859-3196 email:

Dated at the Township of Assiginack this 17th day of July 2024.

Please click HERE to download/view a copy of the Proposed Comprehensive Zoning By-law # 2024-10.

Please click HERE to download/view a copy of the Mapping Schedule A-1 for Rural Assiginack

Please click HERE to download/view a copy of the Mapping Schedule A-2 for Manitowaning

The Corporation of the Township of Assiginack is currently in the process of updating their current Zoning By-laws #80-20 and #80-21.

Please be advised that we will be hosting an in-person Statutory Public Meeting, as a Special Meeting of Council on June 25th, 2024 at 7:00pm to consider this new draft By-law, as per the notice below or please click HERE to download a copy of the notice.

Please click HERE to download/view a copy of the Draft Zoning By-law.
Please click HERE to download/view a copy of the Mapping Schedule for Manitowaning.
Please click HERE to download/view a copy of the Mapping Schedule for Rural Assiginack.

Please click HERE to download a copy of the Presentation by MHBC Planning from the Statutory Meeting on June 25th, 2024

Notice of a Public Meeting Concerning a Township-Initiated Zoning By-law Update

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack will be holding an in-person Statutory Public Meeting to consider a Township-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment and is notifying the public in accordance with Section 34 of the Planning Act.

Purpose and Effect of the Zoning By-law Amendment:

The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to update the Township’s Zoning By-law. The Township Zoning By-law currently in effect is By-law No. 80-20 and By-law No. 80-21, first approved by Council in 1980. Since 1980, the Township Zoning By-laws have been amended from time to time through approval of privately initiated Zoning By-law Amendment applications and through general amendments/reviews initiated by the Township. In October 2018, a new District of Manitoulin Official Plan was approved to be consistent with Provincial policies. The Planning Act requires municipalities to update their Zoning By-law after an update to their Official Plan. Pursuant to the Planning Act, this update will bring the Township Zoning By-law into conformity with the District of Manitoulin Official Plan.

Public Meeting:

A Statutory Public Meeting is scheduled for June 25, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. to provide information regarding the Township-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment. The Public Meeting will be held at the Municipal Office located at 156 Arthur Street, Manitowaning, ON.

Location of the Subject Lands:

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment applies to all lands within the Township and therefore a key map has not been provided.

What is the Township of Assiginack Zoning By-law?

It is a By-law passed by Council to implement the District of Manitoulin Official Plan to control the use of land and the use and construction of buildings/structures. For example, it states:

  • How land may be used;
  • Where buildings and other structures can be located;
  • The type of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used;
  • The minimum and maximum lot sizes, parking requirements, building height and setbacks from a property line; and
  • Other building and land use controls as deemed appropriate.

What stage is the Township at with its Zoning By-law Review?

Township Staff and the Township’s Planning Consultants conducted a Public Open House on March 27, 2024. Comments received from the public at the Open House and during the subsequent commenting period have been incorporated into the second draft of the Zoning By-law as appropriate.


Any person may participate at the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation regarding this matter. Written submissions can be sent electronically to or can be dropped at the Municipal Office located at 156 Arthur Street, Manitowaning, ON. Please ensure your name and address are included as required for the public record.

Appeal Rights:

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Township of Assiginack before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Township of Assiginack to the Ontario Land Tribunal, and may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

Notice of Passing of Zoning By-law Amendment:

A copy of the Notice of Passing will be sent to each person who has filed with the Clerk a written request for a Notice of Passing.

Additional Information:

Additional information relating to the Zoning By-law update will be available on the Township’s website on June 4th, 2024, or for inspection on weekdays by appointment between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office located at 156 Arthur Street, Manitowaning, ON. Please contact or call (705) 859-3196 to arrange for an appointment.

Dated at the Township of Assiginack this 29th day of May 2024.

Heidi Ferguson, Clerk


The Township of Assiginack invites residents and community members to provide their input regarding its proposed DRAFT Zoning By-law.

Please submit your feedback in writing, including your name and address by April 30th, 2024 to the Clerk at or you may drop off your submission to the Municipal Office located at 156 Arthur Street in Manitowaning.

Notice of a Public Open House

Concerning a Township-Initiated Zoning By-law Update

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack will be holding an in-person public Open House to consider a Township-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment and is notifying the public in accordance with Section 34 of the Planning Act.

Purpose and Effect of the Zoning By-law Amendment:

The purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to update the Township’s Zoning By-law. The Township Zoning By-law currently in effect is By-law No. 80-20 and By-law No. 80-21, first approved by Council in 1980. Since 1980, the Township Zoning By-law has been amended from time to time through approval of privately initiated zoning by-law amendment applications and through general amendments/reviews initiated by the Township. In October 2018, a new District of Manitoulin Official Plan was approved to be consistent with Provincial policies. The Planning Act requires municipalities to update their Zoning By-law after an update to their Official Plan. Pursuant to the Planning Act, this update will bring the Township Zoning By-law into conformity with the District of Manitoulin Official Plan, and by extension into conformity with the other Provincial planning policies in effect.

Public Open House:

A public Open House is scheduled for March 27, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm to provide information regarding the Township-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment. The public Open House will be held at the Municipal Office located at 156 Arthur Street in Manitowaning. The format of the public Open House will be a drop-in where you will have the opportunity to review the draft proposed new Zoning By-law, ask questions related to the proposed draft, and provide input in advance of the Township hosting a Statutory Public Meeting.

Location of the Subject Lands:

The proposed Zoning By-law Amendment applies to the entire Township and therefore a key map has not been provided.

Please click HERE to access the Draft Zoning By-law

Please click HERE to access the DRAFT Assiginack Zoning Schedule (Mapping)
Please click HERE to access the DRAFT Manitowaning Zoning Schedule (Mapping)
Please click HERE to access the Open House Presentation by MHBC

Additional Information:

For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, information will be available on the Township’s website at on March 8th, 2024, or for inspection by appointment between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday at the Municipal Office located at 156 Arthur Street, Manitowaning, ON. Please contact the Clerk at or call (705) 859-3196 to arrange for an appointment.

Dated at the Township of Assiginack this 6th day of March 2024.

Heidi Ferguson, Clerk
Township of Assiginack