The Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack was held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.
Present were Reeve Paul Moffatt, Members Robert Case, Leslie Fields, Hugh Moggy, and Brenda Reid
Staff: C.A.O. Deputy Clerk: Alton Hobbs, Clerk: Jeremy Rody, Superintendent: Ron Cooper, Project and Events Coordinator: Jackie White
Press: Alicia McCutcheon, Expositor
Public: Garret Gauthier
#001-01-15 – L. Fields – B. Case
THAT the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Assiginack be opened for business with a quorum of members present at 7:00 p.m., with Reeve Moffatt presiding in the Chair. CARRIED.
#002-01-15 – B. Reid – H. Moggy
THAT the agenda for the Meeting be accepted. CARRIED.
Councillor Reid disclosed a direct pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 6A Payroll as her husband is an employee of the Township. She did not take part in any discussion, attempt to influence the vote or vote on the matter. She also stated that had she been present at the previous meeting, she would have made a similar declaration and conducted herself accordingly.
#003-01-15 – R. Case – L. Fields
THAT the Minutes of the December 16, 2014 Regular Meeting of Council be accepted. CARRIED.
#004-01-15 – B. Reid – H. Moggy
THAT the Minutes of the Assiginack Public Library Board Meeting of November 17, 2014 be accepted. CARRIED.
Note: At this point the Regular Council Meeting was adjourned and everyone moved to the Library for Heather Pennie’s presentation on 21st Century Learning. In attendance, in addition to those listed above, were: Librarian : Debbie Robinson, Library Board Member: Jane Tilston, and Assiginack Public School Principal: Maria Bouwmeester. The presentation was approximately an hour long; the regular council meeting resumed following the presentation.
#005-01-15 – H. Moggy – R. Case
THAT we thank Heather Pennie and the members of the public Library Board for attending this meeting and for Ms. Pennie’s presentation on 21st Century Learning. CARRIED.
#006-01-15 – B. Reid – H. Moggy
THAT Council authorize the following Accounts for Payment:
General: $ 131,601.44
AND THAT the Reeve and Administration be authorized to sign cheques #22244 through #22263 and # 22284 through # 22317 as described in the attached Cheque Register Report. CARRIED.
#007-01-15 – H. Moggy – L. Fields
THAT Council authorize the following Accounts for Payment
Payroll: $ 33,361.64
AND THAT the Reeve and Administration be authorized to sign cheques #22224 through #22243 and #22264 through #22283 as described in the attached Cheque Register Report. CARRIED.
#008-01-15 – R. Case – L. Fields
THAT we inform the Manitoulin Island Cycling Advocates that we will provide a letter of support for their funding application to the Ministry of Tourism. That we will provide a $250.00 contribution towards their participation in the 2015 International Bike Show, and that we will continue to lobby the provincial government for bike friendly road infrastructure initiatives. CARRIED.
#009-01-15 – L. Fields – R. Case
THAT we confirm the following appointments to the Assiginack Public Library Board for this term:
Catherine Bassett, Alison Greenhill, Heather Pennie, Jane Tilston, and Irma Lenz. CARRIED.
#010-01-15 – R. Case – L. Fields
THAT we authorize Staff to determine what senior government funding might be available to fund the retrofit of the Burns Wharf Building to bring it into Code compliance and make it accessible for public use.
AND THAT Staff report to Council be the end of February 2015. CARRIED.
#011-01-15 – L. Fields – R. Case
THAT we acknowledge receipt of the following correspondence items:
- Arena Youth Ice Rate Request
- Student Volunteer Sponsorship Request
- VFIS newsletter. CARRIED.
#012-01-15 – R. Case – L. Fields
THAT we ask the Arena Management to confirm a youth rate of $50.00 per hour for ice rental in the Manitowaning Arena. TABLED.
#013-01-15 – L. Fields – R. Case
THAT we agree to provide a $300.00 donation to Cassie Kuntsi in support of her ‘Me to We’ Program participation. TABLED.
#014-01-15 – B. Reid – H. Moggy
THAT in accordance with By-law # 02-02 as amended and Section 239 of the Municipal Act as amended, this Council proceed to a ‘Closed Session’ at 8:25 p.m. in order to attend to a matter pertaining to:
- Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege including communications necessary for that purpose. CARRIED.
#015-01-15 – H. Moggy – B. Reid
THAT we adjourn from our Closed Session at 8:35 p.m., approve the Minutes of the Closed Session of December 16, 2014 and resume our regular meeting. CARRIED.
#016-01-15 – R. Case – L. Fields
THAT we adjourn until the next regular meeting or call of the Chair. CARRIED.
_______________________________ _____________________________
Paul Moffatt REEVE Alton Hobbs Deputy CLERK
8:50 p.m.
These Minutes have been circulated but are not considered Official until approved by Council.